Meet Us. Ask Us.

We are building a network of local communities in every district – communities of 30,000 to 60,000 people – to bring Congress closer to home, so we can effect more change by meeting with each other and with our representatives.

Are you interested in completing polls to prioritize changes you'd like to see in your community?

Are you interested in meeting with your congressional representative?


We are in the first phase of launching CCs -- building up community membership. Your joining will send a message to your member of Congress that we want them to meet with us and ask about things.

Participating in your community will generally be a combination of attending meetings and participating online - and that all starts with signing up.

When you sign up, you immediately have the option to give your community a sense of what issues you find important.

Once your community reaches 15 – 20 active members, you will be able discuss legislative actions, policies, or laws with fellow community members on message boards which are open only to people within your community.

In person, you can attend events planned by your Congressional Community, where you can directly discuss issues affecting you and your neighbors, city, and state - as well as how best to communicate these issues to your representatives and their staff.

If you think we can all do a much better job of talking to each other and having our voice heard, we encourage you to do two simple things —

Sign up and ask at least two friends to sign up.


Champions work together with the Congressional Communities Team in order to do outreach into their communities and get people involved.They're expected to be respectful and encourage nonpartisan values among their fellow participants. While a Champion may be responsible for recruiting new people into the community, they are expected to notemploy partisan, racial, gendered, ableist etc. bias when doing so.

As strong believers in our mission here at Congressional Communities, Champions serve as a resource for the movement to both existing participants in their communities, as well as people who are interested in joining. Those interested in becoming a Champion are strongly encouraged to contact us in order to work together with us on how you may best serve and reach your Congressional Community.

Learn more

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